Unmarshal-April in Hindsight

Akanimo Rex
3 min readApr 28, 2022


The fact that Unmarshal has been having an efficient run so far cannot be overemphasized. Impressive work ethic yielding good and amazing products which in turn leads to a satisfied community is a necessity for a healthy project.

In this article, we go through the month of April for Unmarshal and the milestones achieved over the past weeks.

Continuation of Native Staking

Unmarshal announced and implemented the continuation of the Native staking with a reward pool of 500,000 $MARSH. The period is to last for 90 days and begun 10th of April, so you can still participate.
Head to stake.unmarshal.io to begin your staking process.
Guide to stake

Mentioned by Notable Exchanges for Listing

Unmarshal has come under the notice of some big exchanges for the listing of the native token, $MARSH. Mentioned by BSC Player as being among the projects with the highest bullish sentiment. Unmarshal also made the list of projects whose tokens will be listed by Coinbase.

$MARSH is also listed on Dappsy, where users can follow $MARSH, add it to their portfolio, or track it on their wallets.

Dappsy is an Anonymous Crypto Social Network looking to gather all crypto communities together.

Notable Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships are good signs of growth in a project. Unmarshal has not been slacking in that department.
Unmarshal partnered with Plugin The to provide a unified platform for smart contracts to retrieve granular and authentic data from XDC Chain via the Plugin API. This would benefit Web 3.0 businesses greatly from a single ecosystem for real-time off-chain and on-chain data governance.

Unmarshal partners withPlugin

Unmarshal also entered a strategic partnership with Darkblock. They play an important role by assisting Darkblock to obtain NFT Metadata from multi-chains. Darkblock will be able to deliver support on the Polygon chain in the next months as a result thanks to the Unmarshal APIs

Unmarshal Partners with Darkblock

New Endpoint For Developers Building On Unmarshal

Unmarshal also released a new endpoint in which you could query to find out the owners/creators of NFT collections. To begin to use, visit http://console.unmarshal.io and sign in.

Adding Support for More Testnet Networks

Unmarshal added Unmarshal adds support for Rinkeby (@ethereum), Mumbai testnet (@0xPolygon), and BNB testnet (@BNBCHAIN). This would further broaden the networks in which devs can build on.

Launch of Founder Node Program

Still in this month, Unmarshal announced their founder node program. As a node host, you get to stake your $MARSH and earn rewards anytime a query is made through your node.
To sign up for this visit unmarshal.io/nft-indexer and register to become one.


Without mentioning more, Unmarshal has been steadily consistent in their building and they have been considered as one of the most bullish project on the BSC network. It is up to us to keep up the love and support for the community as we enter the world of Governance.

About Unmarshal

Unmarshal is a Multi-chain Web 3.0 data network aiming to deliver granular, reliable & real-time data to dApps, DeFi protocols, NFTs, Metaverse and GameFi solutions. Unmarshal provides the easiest way to query Blockchain data from XDC Network, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, NEAR and Solana. Unmarshal network consists of data indexers and transforming tools to power Web 3.0 applications on any chain while providing a latent view of transformed data.

Visit their platforms and join their community

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