Polkabridge:The Next Big Thing On the DOT ecosystem

Akanimo Rex
3 min readNov 15, 2021

We have been hearing of the Polkadot blockchain ecosystem and its potentials. It is cheaper compared to Ethereum chain and it is more scalable and easy to operate. However there is a flaw:users could not experience all DeFi applications on many different platforms in one place.

Well Polkabridge is here to change the narrative. One of the thriving projects on the polkadot blockchain, it is set to revolutionize the Defi space with its innovative features.

What is Polkabridge?

Polkabridge is a decentralised multi-chained all-in-one platform. You could swap any of your polkadot-based token to any other token on a different chain.

Polkabridge Products

Polkabridge has a number of products, which are faring well and is also beneficial to the community and the polkadot ecosystem in general.

  • Automated Market Maker (AMM): This is an aggregator, which allows order-matching without using the order-book. In other words, it redistributes earnings to pools and capitalizes on user slippage. It will support It will support Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) — after full deployment. The DEX will charge 0.2% fees per swap, out of which 80% would go to the liquidity providers and the remaining 20% would be routed to a wallet, later used to buy back the native PBR token and burn it. This will increase the value of the PBR token
  • Deflationary Farming: Traditional farming is inflationary in nature, since it just keeps raising the overall supply through incentives, effectively diluting the value of current tokens and punishing passive holders — those who aren’t contributing to the pool. PolkaBridge has discovered a solution to this problem. The software platform no new tokens would be issued, and current tokens would not be unlocked. Instead, it will collect a minuscule 0.5 percent fee on all PBR exchanges.
  • Multi-chain LaunchPad: This IDO lets $PBR holders to participate in certain activities and promising young crypto projects which will yield high returns later. Users have nothing to fear about if the project is legit or not, as the project is first reviewed thoroughly by the polkabridge team before putting it out for users to invest.
  • Multi-chain Staking:Users will be able to stake $PBR on different chains.The users will be able to earn yield on their PBR tokens by simply depositing it into the pool with variable Annual Percentage Yield (APY).
  • Lending And Prediction:Borrowers can access funds at a specific interest rate in a system where users can lend their assets for return generation. As a result, a decentralized economy is created. In addition, we will launch a predictions platform that will allow users to wager on real-world events and be rewarded if their prediction is correct. We’ll use the oracle function to provide data to smart contracts, which will determine the event’s result.

$PBR Token

$PBR is the native token of Polkabridge. Holders of the token gets access to certain privileges such as Governance, Farming, Staking, Lending and IDO particiation.


Max PBR supply will be 100,000,000 (100M) PBR.

Public Sale (IDO): 20% (20M). Public sale tokens will be unlocked right after listing on Uniswap. Tokens that aren’t not sold in the pre-sale will be burned.

Initial Uniswap liquidity: 10% (10M). After the pre-sale, PBR will be listed on Uniswap for trading. It’s expected to add 60% amount of ETH from pre-sale.

Ecosystem Fund: 30% (30M).

Marketing Fund: 20% (20M).

Team & Foundation: 20% (20M). This fund will be shared between the founders and developers of PolkaBridge. All of them will be locked for 2 years, with tokens releasing at a rate of 5M tokens every 6 months from TGE.


Polkabridge stands as a mediator between different chains and networks, bringing them all to one place so a user can easily find his/her tokens to exchange. It serves its literal purpose as a “bridge” and it is worthy of recognition. The work put in by the team shows how dedicated these people are to solving the issues not only related to Defi, but the entire blockchain ecosystem.

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