The Journey so far :Keplerswap

Akanimo Rex
2 min readAug 19, 2021


If you are a crypto enthusiast, investor or just looking for the next big thing to hit the blockchain space. I have got one for you.It is described as the most challenging decentralized financial miracle of the year. KeplerSwap is building a new DeFi ecosystem which is BSC-based with massive Liquidity, LUCKY POOL and SPACE at its core.
Recently, KeplerSwap’s official website has been iterative, while the project’s white paper has been updated and the community has been conducting the latest round of airdrops simultaneously. After Certik completes the code audit, KeplerSwap will launch IDO and global public testing, just one step away from the project’s official takeoff.
I will be taking you through their roadmap from the very beginning to their future plans


2017 Q2 :

The idea of Keplerswap was born


Developing Technology , Logic and business models

2020 Q4:

Startup of keplerswap

2021 Q1 :


2021 Q3:

Starting Keplerswap Global Beta test;Officially launching Keplerswap;Launch SDS

2021 Q3 & Q4 :

Open portal to all types of tokens

2022 Q1 — Q2:

Launch multi-chain product and platform token; realize cross-chain aggregation trading


Achieve Decentralized Autonomy Organization (DAO)

2023 Q3 :

Public chain Development


Enabling the financial conversion of physical and digital assets


With the following information, it is obvious that Keplerswap is putting in the work to be innovative and come out with a product that will really solve problems in the blockchain ecosystem.
Currently,their official Twitter account has 92,000 followers , Official community Twitter account has 73,000 followers , Official Telegram group has 104,000 followers KeplerSwap official YouTube channel has 36,200 followers. This just shows to prove the good work Keplerswap is doing
For more information

