Detailed information about Seeds Token (SDS)

Akanimo Rex
3 min readAug 12, 2021

Seeds token(SDS) is the native token issued by Keplerswap. It is the key to achieving decentralization and autonomy in the Keplerswap ecosystem.

It has the features of Governance that is, holders of the token gets access to certain benefits and privileges and ability to affect decisions and vote on actions made by the team.

Token Details

Keplerswap has planned to issue a total supply of 210,000,000 SDS.

80% SDS are generated from mining;10% SDS are reserved for marketing and business corporation and 10% SDS are reserved for private placement. No SDS will be reserved from Keplerswap for the fact they plan on making the it totally for the community.

Application of SDS token


In details, holders of the token owns voting right in the community governance and decision-making for important events. Every SDS holder can introduce a proposal to change the community policy. More includes:

  • System construction proposal
  • Voting for your community
  • Managing transaction fee
  • community policy making

and more.

Trading Fees Rewards

SDS token is the first underlying asset of KeplerSwap, 80% mining output will be reallocated to the community members as follows:

Exchange between BUSD and SDS: When a user purchases SDS with BUSD, 2% of BUSD will be reallocated under the following terms:

  • liquidity market making 65%
  • Lucky Pool 20%
  • Referral reward 10%
  • Kepler foundation 5%Trading Fees Rewards

Exchange between SDs and BUSD: when a user sells SDs for BUSD , 6% of SDS is charged as transaction fee.Then 6% of SDS will be reallocated under the following items.

  • SPACE voting reward pool 15%
  • Liquidity market making revenue 55%
  • LUCKY POOL 20%
  • Referral reward 5%
  • Kepler Foundation 5%

Referrer can claim 10% of liquidity market making revenue from referee.SPACE owners can claim 1% of liquidity market making revenue from every SPACE members.

Yield Farming

Since SDS is the major output token for liquidity market making on KeplerSwap platform, community members and holders are encouraged to contribute to liquidity market making by incentivization.

Lucky Pool

Keplerswap plans to reserve SDS and BUSD as a reward tokens for LUCKY POOL. It may encourage users to provide more liquidity.Requirements for entry in the LUCK POOL are as follows:

  • Weekly top 30% Referrals/weekly top 30% liquidity provider
  • Reward Allotment:Only one achiever getts 50% from the pool and the remaining 50% is allotted to 10 achievers equally

Ecological Medium Token

SDS token is the exchange medium on keplerswap. it has the hgh liquidity and is able to be exchanged on cross-chains with other tokens Keplerswap.

Smart Aggregator

Users have the flexibility to choose a list of cryptocurrency pairs in liquidity market making .By using a smart aggregating system on the liquidity pool, it will select the subject pair automatically in order to achieve the maximum return.

SPACE Creation & Voting

Under the following conditions the user, who is :

a) SDS holder;

b) a liquidity provider (value locked for 12 months) on KeplerSwap;

c) who has successfully invited a required amount of new users,

will be available to create SPACE and become a SPACE Owner. ASDS holder who joins the SPACE is granted the rights to vote in the SPACE.


Interest offerings of new project tokens are granted to users who hold SDS in stock; or has provided liquidity contribution on Keplerswap

Interests Conversion

After the insurance of platform token, a SDS holder and liquidity provider is able to gain the interests of platform token by 1:100 (Note : This is not a Token Exchange)


SDS token is the exchange medium on KeplerSwap. It has high liquidity and is able to be exchanged on cross-chains with other tokens on KeplerSwap. It is best to stack up your bags now.

For more information


