Adding $SDS to Metamask

Akanimo Rex
2 min readAug 27, 2021


SDS (seeds) token is the governance token of Keplerswap, the innovative project introducing Defi2.0 and breaking the norms and traditional way of trading. I will be showing you how to add the token to your metamask wallet in order to conduct transactions efficiently.

Step One

Ensure that you have Binance Smart Chain network RPC integrated in your metamask .

For steps on how to do that, head here .

Step Two

click “Add token”

Step Three

copy the contract address of the SDS token and paste in the “token contract address” field. The other values will be generated automatically when you do it right. Hit “Next” button when done’

contract address: 0x2b7d90f93ea2425a049c10bf56cbf8c03a5ff1db

Viola! Your Token is added successfully. your Metamask should look like this

You can clearly see the SDS token now. You can now send and receive SDS and can make transactions efficiently.

Thank you

For More Information:

